Tag Archives: expert witness

How Experts Can Make or Break a Case with Graphics and Visuals

expert witness graphics

There are several different ways in which you could employ the use of expert witness testimony in a legal case. Doing it properly is more about finding the approach that works for you, but there are definitely some methods and tools that are more effective than others. One big way to benefit from expert testimony […]

Teach, Don’t Lecture

Teach, Don't Lecture

At JumpStart SME, we put our reputations on the line every time we recommend an expert. That is why we put every expert through a rigorous vetting process. This process ensures that experts have been as carefully considered as every other part of your case. However, what advice should you give your expert in the […]

The Benefits of Hiring an Expert Early in the Litigation Process

Benefits of hiring an expert witness early

Hiring an expert witness is an important part of the legal process. As such, it’s not one that you want to save for the last minute. There are several benefits to be had from planning ahead and part of that includes hiring an expert witness as early as possible in the litigation process. When you […]